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2000 Series Table-Top Continuous Belt Fusing Machines

The AIT 2000SC Series is standard in 16” and 24” belt widths. The open side design allows large parts with partial interlinings to pass easily through the machine. A large lay-up table, and adjustable silicone pressure rollers make this model especially adaptable to folders and roll-to-roll applications such as waistbands & belt loops.

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3000 Series High Pressure Continuous Fusing Machines

The 3024SC is a highly flexible fusing machine filling the void between low production, platen presses and the larger, more expensive conveyorized fusing machines. A standard 'Return-To-Operator' conveyor allows pressure up to 7.5 kg/cm2 making this an ideal fusing machine for dress shirt collars and cuffs. Top and bottom heat with separate control, precise speed control, and a fully adjustable pressure system assures quality fusing at an economical price. This new SC series is designed with safety and operator comfort in mind. 

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5200SC Series Continuous Fusing Machine

The 5200SC series of fusing machines were designed specifically for high production speeds and low temperature fusing of sportswear. The advanced Multi-Zone heating system assures a soft flexible fused assembly, maintaining fabric structure and avoiding shrinkage or fading, while it provides absolute control of the adhesive resins on any type of interlining selected.

The combination of top and bottom conductive heat application with precise speed and pressure control, assures quality results on all fused assemblies. The 5200SC series 52'' long Multi-Zone heat chamber is sub-divided into three separate heating zones and has high conductivity heating modules engineered to apply very precise and even contact heat across the width of the heating chamber.

The AIT fusing press range has proved itself over the world with its unique quality and price ratio for the last 30 years.  As with all AIT products, our fusing presses are always produced with the good quality and tested parts. No compromise has been given from this principle even under tough competitive conditions. 

  Advanced Innovative Technologies, LLC (AIT) is the exclusive manufacturer, sales and service organization for Fabric Frame Graphic Display Systems, equipment for the apparel manufacturing, retail stores and reprographics industries- including all AIT lines of fabric fusing, rotary heat presses, and materials handling equipment. Learn more about us!

Advanced Innovative Technologies, LLC (AIT) es el fabricante exclusivo, organización de ventas y servicio para los sistemas de pantalla gráfica de tejido, equipos para la fabricación de prendas de vestir, tiendas minoristas e industrias de reprografía, incluidas todas las líneas de fusión de telas, prensas rotativas y materiales de Astechnologies. equipo de manipulación (como bastidores de ropa de servicio pesado, camiones con buena rotación, camiones de desenrollado, carrusel, etc.). ¡Aprenda más acerca de nosotros!

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