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Continuous Fusing Machine
The 5200SC series of AIT fusing machines were designed specifically for high production speeds and low temperature fusing of sportswear. The advanced, multi-zone heating system assures a soft, flexible-fused assembly, maintaining fabric structure and avoiding shrinkage or fading, while providing absolute control of the adhesive resins on any type of interlining selected.
The combination of top and bottom conductive heat application along with precise speed and pressure control, assures quality results on all fused assemblies. The 5200SC series 52'' long multi-zone heat chamber is sub-divided into three separate heating zones and has high conductivity heating modules engineered to apply very precise and even-contact heat across the width of the heating chamber.
A new process control system has the ability to pre-set and hold in memory five different programs. It can also be programmed to turn off and on at a pre-set time and has a precautionary message screen to indicate low air pressure. The new SC series is designed with safety and operator comfort in mind. This model meets or exceeds worldwide standards in safety and efficiency.
Top & Bottom Heat Control
Top & Bottom Belt Cleaning Systems
3-1/2" dia. Pressure Rollers
Variable Speed Control
Front Loading Conveyor
Low Voltage/High Current Protection
Endless Belt System with Reversing Circuit
Actual Value Digital Heat Controls
Anti-Pleating Roller
Pneumatic Pressure System Controlled by Electronic Step Button in Increments of 0.1 kg/cm up to 8 kg/cm2 (114 PSI)
Folding Lateral Loading Shelves
Unroll & Re-roll Systems
Parts Stacker
380 Volt Electrical System


Advanced Innovative Technologies, LLC (AIT) is the exclusive manufacturer, sales and service organization for Fabric Frame Graphic Display Systems, equipment for the apparel manufacturing, retail stores, and reprographics industries—including all Astechnologies lines of fabric fusing, rotary heat presses, and materials handling equipment. Learn more about us!
Advanced Innovative Technologies, LLC (AIT) es el fabricante exclusivo, organización de ventas y servicio para los sistemas de pantalla gráfica de tejido, equipos para la fabricación de prendas de vestir, tiendas minoristas e industrias de reprografía, incluidas todas las líneas de fusión de telas, prensas rotativas y materiales de Astechnologies. equipo de manipulación (como bastidores de ropa de servicio pesado, camiones con buena rotación, camiones de desenrollado, carrusel, etc.). ¡Aprenda más acerca de nosotros!
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